All information provided on this website is to the best knowledge of The Guildford Association accurate and given in good faith. However, as a ratepayer organisation we do not have the resources to check the accuracy of all information discussed within our organisation and in some cases information is individual's opinions or beliefs rather than fact. For this reason we can provide no representation or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of information provided on our website.

If you believe information published on this site is inaccurate we would be pleased to hear from you. Please use our contact details provided on the Contact web page.

Text content on this site is Copyright to the Guildford Association unless otherwise specified. Photographs are the copyright property of Mrs Barbara Dundas, unless otherwise specified. As a ratepayer organisation wishing to inform our community we are happy for residents to duplicate information provided as long as the website and the date the information is retrieved is specified. This should be done in the following manner:
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The Guildford Association will review and may update this Website Disclaimer from time to time. Any changes to the policy will be published by updating this page on this Website, which uses a version control system showing the updated date.

Website Disclaimer Ver. 1.0 Created 5.04.2011